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Miscellaneous Biographies

Biography: Gilda Radner. Sue Nadell-Bailey, ©1994 A&E Television Networks, 50:00.
Biography that remembers the beloved comedienne who engaged in life and struggle against death with abundant courage and humor.

An Introduction to the Michigan Women's Hall of Fame, hosted by Paula Blanchard. Fred Doelker, Richard Mitchell. Circa 1987, 8:00.
A tour of the Michigan Women's Hall of Fame before any exhibits were displayed. Information about the house, its renovation, and goals of the MWSA also covered.

An Introduction to the Michigan Women's Hall of Fame. Elizabeth Homer Giese. ©1995 Michigan Women's Hall of Fame, 6:40.
General introduction and information about the Women's Hall of Fame.

Sojourner Truth Speaks. Alice McGill. ©1986 Alice McGill, 30:00.
Actress, poet, storyteller Alice McGill recreates the life and struggles of former slave Sojourner Truth in a series of monologues based on Truth's narratives about slavery, women's rights and freedom.

*Compiled by Julia Purdy, 8/14/96, for the Michigan Women's Historical Center and Hall of Fame.